Sweetcorn Chowder. The Flourishing Pantry
Recipe by The Flourishing Pantry
- Heat the olive oil in a large saucepan over a medium heat. Add the turmeric, cumin and cayenne, then cook for 1 minute, they should smell amazing.
- Add the onions and salt and cook for 5 minutes or until slightly softened. Add the garlic. Add a drizzle more oil if it’s all starting to stick to the pan.
- If you’re using corn on the cob, while the pan is sizzling away, cut the kernels off the corn cobs using a sharp knife. Stand them on their ends and slice downwards towards a chopping board, cutting as close to the core as you can.
- Add the corn to the onion mixture in the pan and stir to coat with the spices. Cook for 5 minutes, then add the stock. Bring to the boil, then reduce the heat to low and simmer for another 5 minutes.
- Remove the saucepan from the heat and transfer the mixture to a blender. If you don’t have a blender you can use a stick blender in the saucepan, just be careful not to flick it everywhere!
- Add the Avonmore Cooking Cream with the lime juice, put on the lid of your blender, then blend on high until smooth. You can make this any consistency you like: add water to thin if you want to, then season to taste with salt.
- Serve the soup in bowls, swirl through a drizzle more cream and torn fresh coriander leaves for colour and flavour.
1 tbsp olive oil
1 tbsp ground turmeric
2 tsp ground cumin
2 pinches cayenne pepper
2 pinches cayenne pepper
1 large or 2 small onions, chopped
2 tsp salt, plus extra as needed
6 garlic cloves, very finely chopped
1 litre vegetable stock
4 corn cobs or 4 x 80g cans sweetcorn
100ml Avonmore Cooking Cream + extra for a swirl to serve
Juice of one lime
Handful fresh coriander leaves to garnish