Baileys Hot Chocolate Dessert Ingredients Ingredients − 1 hot chocolate + 2 cups Avonmore Milk 4 tbsp unsweetened cocoa powder 1 tbsp white sugar 1/4 tsp vanilla extract 1/4 tsp sea salt Avonmore Baileys Whipped Cream Instructions 1.Heat milk in a tall saucepan over medium-high heat. when the milk starts to froth, turn down the heat to medium-low. 2.Add cocoa, sugar, vanilla, and salt to the saucepan. Use a whisk to mix contents until thoroughly combined. 3.Poor into a serving mug. Top with Avonmore Baileys Whipped Cream and cocoa powder. Instructions 1.Heat milk in a tall saucepan over medium-high heat. when the milk starts to froth, turn down the heat to medium-low. 2.Add cocoa, sugar, vanilla, and salt to the saucepan. Use a whisk to mix contents until thoroughly combined. 3.Poor into a serving mug. Top with Avonmore Baileys Whipped Cream and cocoa powder. Related Recipes From family favourites to decadent desserts, explore our recipes Dessert Triple Chocolate Easter Cake Dessert Raspberry, Almond and White Chocolate Trifle Dessert Roulade with Strawberries & Cream Filling View All Recipes